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I'm Emily Nighman, an MA Cinema Studies student at the University of Toronto with a profound passion for entertainment, art, and design. My experience ranges from acting, writing, and dance choreography to marketing, research, and education. All these roles have helped me hone my boundless creativity and curiosity, and taught me valuable skills including teamwork, time management, communication, problem-solving, and organization.

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meet emily


Currently, I work as a remote contributing writer for the UK-based publication, The Film Magazine (, where I research, write, and edit reviews, features, and list-style articles on movies and the film industry. You can find my published articles on the Portfolio page or at

In 2022, I earned an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario, where I graduated top of my class, winning the Alumni Gold Medal for maintaining one of the highest GPAs in my year. During my undergraduate studies, I worked for three consecutive terms as an Instructional Assistant, leading tutorials and marking assignments, and published my first article, “Orientalist Stereotypes and Transnational Feminisms in Disney’s 1998 and 2020 Mulan,” in the 12.3 issue of the international journal Film Matters. My education in film has also helped me nurture my eye for detail, composition, and aesthetics.

During my degree, I gained invaluable experience outside my studies by working remotely as a Researcher for the Film Music Foundation in Los Angeles. I assisted the President, music arranger Patrick Russ, with a collection of interviews with award-winning film composers. I also volunteered with the Toronto International Film Festival, the Grand River Film Festival on the Features Programming Committee, and as the VP of Marketing for the WLU Film Society.

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